Sumiko’s Purrfect Dreams tag partner Lucy Purr has been out for weeks with an injury…and this leads to a slightly unstable Sumiko getting delusions of grandeur!!!
We fade in on a very diva-esque and cocky Sumiko posing for the camera before telling the world how much prettier the SKW title belt would be resting on HER shoulder instead of Sapphire’s. She leaves to prepare for the match, but hides a thick steel chain and collar under a nearby bathrobe. We then cut to Sapphire telling her fans she’s pretty sure Sumiko’s losing her mind. She may have even beaten Sumiko up so bad in the past that the poor girl’s memory is starting to go! Sumiko interrupts and demands a match, which Sapphire happily agrees to. The battle begins, and Sumiko traps Sapphire in a tight arm/headlock. Sapphire breaks free with some knees to the gut and traps Sumiko in a brutal chickenwing/chinlock/smother combo and delivers a triple CURB STOMP KO! Sapphire can’t believe Sumiko had the nerve to challenge her yet AGAIN and vents her frustrations to the camera, all while Sumiko wakes up, grabs her weapon, and proceeds to CHOKE the champ’s lights out!
Sumiko goes for a straddle pin but Sapphire manages to wake up and trap her in a back bend chokehold that puts little Sumiko OUT. Sapphire is now FURIOUS and proceeds to completely destroy Sumiko with a BARRAGE of KOs and submission attacks.
multiple KOs
sleeper hold/bodyscissors combo KO
tongue protrusion
foot on face pin
clothesline KO
belly stomps
fireman’s carry
fireman’s stunner KO
octopus lock
scorpion crosslock
romero/ceiling hold with sleeper KO
foldover matchbook pin
single leg boston crab
combo neckscissors/boston crab KO (an SKW FIRST)
foot on belly pin
belly punching
death star lock KO
grapevine pin
dragon sleeper KO
close up belly shots/belly caressing during final KO
final undertaker pose/forehead kiss
In the end, Sapphire ties Sumiko up and cleave-gags her, writing “property of Sapphire” on her belly as the poor jobber girl whimpers on the mats. Sapphire slams her fist into her jaw, knocking her out and leaving her on the mats for the world to see as the camera fades to BLACK.
(includes outtakes/alternate takes)
Length: 31 min
Price: 22.99