(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


View the trailer HERE!

We open on Monroe, decked out in a tight silver bikini set, checking her cel phone, making sure her payment for a caper assignment has gone through.  Outside, Karly stalks around the house, informing us that she’s on assignment as a Secret Agent/Assassin, going up for her big assignment, taking out Monroe, and her clone security and retrieving the agent list Monroe had stolen.

Wearing a black catsuit, she stealthily makes her way through the yard. There she encounters her first clone, sneaking up behind her and wrapping her into  a tight sleeper hold that makes its eyes roll, before snapping its neck, catching it as it falls and carrying it away over her shoulder.

Her next target is sitting in a deck chair, as Karly slips up silently behind, stabbing it in the neck, making it twitch and shudder as its eyes roll back into its head, finally slumping over with slackened mouth, neutralized.
Karly makes quick work of the remaining clones, surprising them with clubs to the head, chopstick temple attacks,  neck snapping, injections to the butt, and taser attacks to the skull before finally entering the house.

Quietly she picks sneaks up behind Monroe and yanks her into a deadly sleeper hold, demanding to know where the list is. A series of sharp elbows to the belly gets Monroe released as the two girls suddenly go at it, throwing punches, getting yanked into arm bars, escaping with back-kicks to the groin, until Monroe grabs Karly’s foot from a spinning kick, tripping her to the floor, then rushing in to slam her head against hardwood over and over, stunning the secret agent.  Yanked back into a sleeper hold, Karly struggles and gasps before raking Monroe’s face to get released,  then kicking her belly over and over as Monroe can only curl and gasp into the blows.

Punches to the face keep her rocked on her feet, then knee lifts explode the air from her lungs before  a head slam into the nearby table knocks her loopy, slouching into a nearby chair. Karly wastes no time sliding up behind her, pulling her into a sleeper hold that makes the red-faced blonde sputter before her eyes roll back, knocked out.  Vowing to have fun, Karly carries her off over her shoulder.

We find Monroe tied up in a doorway as Karly mocks her, claiming she’ll be having fun with her all day.  She then sets to punishing her with an injection that magnifies sensation, then assaulting her with belly punches, clubbing her in the belly and face, tasering her over and over, stabbing her in the belly, while Monroe can only dangle helplessly absorbing the brutality. Karly interrogates  her until Monroe can take no more and gives up the location of the agent file.  Karly then sends her off to dreamland with a crushing sleeper hold that makes her gasp and drool, until at last her crossed and rolling eyes flutter shut. A final neck snap ends her suffering.

Secret Agent
Belly Punching
Chopstick Attack
Billy Clubbing
Sleeper Holds
Knife Play
Rolling Eyes
Low Blow
Eye Crossing


Length: 20 min

Price: 17.99