(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


Featuring the debut of LUCY PURR at SKWPPV.COM!!!

We fade in on the lovely Lucy stretching on the mats as she awaits her pro wrestling instructor (played by Jacquelyn Velvets) for her very first session!  Jacquelyn shows up smiling and proceeds to show Lucy the basics, starting withsome snap mares that Lucy executes perfectly.  Jacquelyn then demonstrates how to apply a sleeper hold, a move that Lucy replicates on her instructor with a BIT too much pressure.  Before she knows what’s happening, Jacquelyn passes outcold, eyes rolling, as Lucy drops her and widens her eyes in shock.  She awakens her instructor, apologizing profusely.  Jacquelyn groggily tells her to be a bit more careful, but the trend continues, with Lucy accidentally knocking MissVelvets out with a punch to the jaw, a stunner, and a neck scissors.  Although she keeps dishing out the apologies, Lucy is suddenly faced with Jacquelyn’s wrath!  Miss Velvets starts off with some brutal belly blows that stun Lucy,following that up with a snap mare, sleeper hold KO, a pin, body stomps, face punching, jabs, a brutal uppercut KO, THREE brutal kicks to the face, reverse neck scissors KO, a schoolgirl pin, a stunner/sleeper hold combo, and a finalethat involves Jacquelyn forcing Lucy to douse a rag with chloroform…only to have it used on her for an epic KO!A final leg hook pin seals the deal as Jacquelyn takes her cash and leaves a sleeping Lucy on the mats!



Length: 19 min

Price: $17.99