(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


Seven short rounds that MUST end in a KO…featuring two of SKW’s best: LUCY PURR and SAYA SAVAGE!


Round one: Saya controls with a full nelson/armlock, body scissors, and a perfectly applied sleeper hold that she leaves on after Lucy goes limp!  Followed by a 5 count leg hook pin.

Round two:  Lucy controls with a reverse bearhug, a front facing neckscissors, and an extended bearhug KO, followed by a Spanish Press pin.

Round three: Saya attacks with a vicious heart punch KO, followed by a double handed temple grip pressure point attack that leaves Lucy drooling and sleeping on the mats.  A final neck grip pressure point attack knocks Lucy out again, twitching as Saya grins.  A split pin across the chest wins her the round.

Round four: Lucy attacks Saya’s belly with multiple punches, wearing her down.  She then applies an iron claw that slowly knocks Saya out!  She squeezes some more, turning Saya into a drooling mess and letting her fall into a perfect derri “air” pose.   A 5 count schoolgirl pin seals the deal!

Round five: Saya reverses out of a bearhug with a headbutt and attacks, delivering a TRIPLE heart punch that leaves Lucy drooling on the ground.  She twitches as Saya moves in for a FOURTH heart punch to keep her still!   A double leghook pin gets her the round!

Round six: Lucy reverses a sleeper with a sudden pressure point attack to the temples.  She applies a deadly sleeper that slowly knocks Saya out.  She covers her with an inverted body cover for the 5 count!

Round seven:  The girls attack with an epic double bearhug that leaves them both on the mats, squeezing til they both slowly pass out.  SK goes for the count out but the ladies come to.  They apply a double neck pinch, each refusing to let go as they slowly start to fade into a final double KO!   Both ladies lay on the mats, completely unconscious as SK counts them OUT!

Result:  WE HAVE A TIE!



Length: 18 min

Price: 14.99