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Length: 50 mins
Price: $29.99
Starring: Raven and Gia Primo
In ROBBERY, it was a sneak attack… In ROBBERY 2, Angelina and Laticia clashed as rival spies…
Now, in ROBBERY 3, we switch ladies and settings, pitting Chicago’s own Italian fitness queen GIA PRIMO against the tall and powerful RAVEN in one of the coolest cat and mouse KO showdowns you’ll ever witness!
We focus on Agent Primo, lounging around on the job as she explains to the agency that the files she’s been assigned to protect are as safe as Fort Knox…the cocky dialogue flies, ironically enough, as Raven lock picks her way into Primo’s lair. She’s armed with her trusty Beretta, but upon catching Gia by surprise, decides to do things the old fashioned way…A rear choke starts off the battle, and after Gia refuses to give up the goods, Raven slaps a sleeper hold on Gia that quickly turns into a non-lethal neck snap, sending the Italian beauty to the land of nod…
After some snooping around, Gia wakes up…a lot faster than any regular agent, due to her training. The smaller Primo seems to be no match for Raven, but as everyone knows, a sleeper hold is ALWAYS an equalizer. Gia leaps on Raven’s back, a piggy back sleeper applied tightly…”Who sent you?” is Gia’s demanding query…the defiant Raven refuses to answer, and therefore forfeits her consciousness… Gia is amazed at her rival’s strength, and quickly rushes to call Headquarters, as the tall gothic lady slowly comes to…
A reverse bearhug cuts the conversation short, and as Raven reverses it into a full on frontal bearhug, we finally get to witness how pwerful this girl REALLY is. She literally CRUSHES Gia, lifitng her 2 feet off the ground, until the smaller girl is out cold and dangling lifelessly in the agent’s grip…
And thus the story goes, evolving into a back and forth battle that includes more sleepers, neck scissors, garotte chokes, an amazing double carotid artery press, head KO blows, a brutal triple BELLY SPLASH from Raven that culminates in a torturous sit-down squash across Gia’s belly, forcing all the air out of the agent’s body til the inevitable KO settles in, a horrible BOOT chokeout, spray gas KOs, reverse scissors KO, a neckbreak KO, A solar plexus “wind-remover” KO, a dramatic scissor neck KO involving a terrified phone call (“Help…she’s choking me out!”), a brutal PILEDRIVER, and a final powerhouse KO that leaves one agent down and completely OUT.
Will Gia’s wit and skill keep the files out of Raven’s hands? We can only tell you this: The dramatic battle is so action-packed, you might just not CARE by the time it all ends!!!!