(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


(for a full-sized collage, right click on it and choose VIEW IMAGE)

In this intense multi-fall custom battle, the lovely Lucy Purr takes on Sumiko in a match that revolves around pressure point attacks, nerve holds, and KO finishers!!!

Here’s the breakdown: (each round with the exception of the final one ends with a pin and victory pose)

Round 1 : Lucy dominates with arm wringers, a flip, armlock, neck claw to a near KO, and a tight sleeper hold KO (eyerolling).

Round 2: Sumiko dominates with belly punching, a KO solar plexus jab, and a double HEART PUNCH finisher.

Round 3: Lucy dominates with a bearhug KO, a “freeze” neck jab, a KO neck jab, and a standing neckscissors KO.

Round 4: Sumiko nails a dropkick, a flip, and a double neck claw nerve KO.

Round 5: Lucy avoids Sumiko’s drop kick and applies several “wake up” and “sleepy” pressure point jabs on the sole of Sumiko’s foot, followed by a reverse bearhug KO.

Round 6: Sumiko applies a brutal temple drill that turns Lucy into an eyerolling, twitching mess for a quick KO.

Round 7: Sumiko nails an off the wall bulldog KO and applies a finishing neckscissors.  Lucy applies her own neck scissors, leading to a stalemate that ends when both ladies apply a final claw attack to a nerve cluster in their thighs that causes an instant double KO!!!

(includes outtakes and alternate scenes)


Length: 17 min

Price: $14.99