(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


Click here for more vidcaps and a sample clip

Length: 45 mins

Price: $29.99

Starring:  Nikki and Jackson

The rules of this inter-company match are simple. Nikki and Jackson will go until one girl completely gives the match and yells “I QUIT!” with any and all holds, submissions, pins, and KOs allowed until that moment arrives! We begin with some pre-match interviews, and as much as Jackson seems to be looking forward to this battle, Nikki simply scowls as she anticipates a quick and easy victory!

And so it begins, with Nikki quickly taking control and dominating Jackson with a plethora of pro moves and attacks, leaving her almost intantly KOed with a double DDT! Nikki LOVES her pins, and she milks each 5 count to its fullest extent, waking the SKW veteran up for more (see vidcaps for more detail)!

The tide suddenly turns, however, and it’s Jackson’s turn to dish out the punishment, forcing screams from the more seasoned pro as well as several amazing knockouts, one of them executed by a one legged split neck scissors that has to be seen to be believed! Soon enough the tides turn again…and again, as both ladies go back and forth, trying desperately to gain control of this brutal battle that is by no means one-sided, and by ALL means filled with the submissions, pins, and multiple KOs SKW fans have grown to love AND expect!

The finale is where the meat truly is, folks…as both ladies, now EXHAUSTED, try their hardest to put the other away. A double KO clothesline leaves both girls down and out, leaving it up to the fates to decide which lady will get up first, finish the job, and execute a massive piledriver that leaves one girl twitching as she’s covered for a long and breathless 10 count body-to-body pin!

Included in this release:


MANY 5 count pins!

Belly punches, knees, kicks, and more

Neck scissors

Full nelson grapevine

Body scissors

Dragon Sleeper


Side arm/leg stretch

Boston crab

Baby Swing

Leg locks/stomps

Sleeper hold KO

Atomic drops

Dragon sleeper KO

Figure four leglock and reversal

Single leg split scissor KO

Crippler crossface

Belly claw

cross-legged crab

Double belly splash KO and pin

Stunner KOs


Double Clothesline KO

bearhug KO

Torture rack backbreaker

Piledriver KO

Final extended 10 count pin

and more!