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Length: 50 mins
Price: $29.99
Starring: Francesca and Sleeperkid
(Note: Due to some heavy winds during the shoot interfering with the mic, some of the sound occasionally “pops” in this release, but does not interfere with the overall quality of the action and image!)
Well folks, here it is…our 100th video…and we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than by releasing this amazing battle between Sleeperkid and the amazingly talented Francesca Le!
We start with Francesca delivering an extremely cocky speech to the camera about how easy her win over Helena was (in EAST MEETS WEST). What the lovely Latina doesn’t see, however, is Sleeperkid making his way into the ring, only to attack her from behind and trap her in a powerful bearhug!
But this California girl is NO rookie, and she easily escapes, trapping Sleeperkid in a terrifying camel clutch, thus beginning a series of holds and locks (including: neck scissors, stomach blows, rope chokes, surfboard, body scissors, chest pin, belly splashes, a vicious turbuckle figure four neck scissors, sleeper hold KO, and more) that leave Sleeperkid out cold in the ring.
It’s when Francesca tries to add insult to injury, however, that Sleeperkid strikes back! A low blow drops the tan beauty, leaving her open to SK’s usual bag of tricks…a bag so full that the torture Francesca endures seems almost endless, chock full of multiple submissions, KOs, pins, and a final piece of vengeance that needs to be seen to be believed.
After completely destroying Francesca, Sleeperkid invites HELENA into the ring, and the two SK vets begin to take turns pummeling Francesca’s belly with blows, only to tie her up in the ropes for an amazing body scissors/sleeper combo that we’d yet to have seen performed in a ring (this sequence is not featured in the photos below…you’re gonna have to see it when you order it, folks)!
But it doesn’t end there, folks.
When Sleeperkid asks Helena to help him out with a final SPIKED piledriver, the outcome leaves Francesca so deep in unconsciousness that Sleeperkid easily plays the ref and counts to TEN as Helena leg-hook pins her former tormentor!
Moves and holds featured in this release include:
Belly blows, stomps, kicks, knees, punches
Boston Crab
Corner work
OTS carries
Belly claws
Knee drops
Belly Buster
Solar Plexus KO
Many pins
Single leg crab
Jujigitame armlock
Cobra Clutch KO
Camel Clutch
Over-the-turnbuckle backbreaker
Stunner KO
Torture rack
Bearhug KO
Figure four neckscissors KO
Piledriver KO
Spiked piledriver KO
2 on 1 belly attack
Body scissor sleeper combo KO (2 on 1)