(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


An epic multi-round battle, featuring two of SKW’s best!!!

The lovely Lucy Purr and Bambi Buttons duke it out after Lucy catches Bambi practicing her victory poses, the kind she says she’ll be using on her opponent.  Lucy fires back with some threats and round one begins!!!

Each round ends with a KO (held on a few seconds after the victim is out), a 5 count straddle pin, and victory pose.

round one: Lucy dominates with a full nelson and sleeper KO
round two: Lucy wins a test of strength and knocks Bambi out with a standing neckscissors
round three:  Lucy dominates with an iron claw KO
round four: Bambi escapes a bearhug and applies her own, slowly draining Lucy of consciousness
round five: Bambi defeats Lucy with an extended hangman KO
round six: Bambi knocks Lucy out with a scissors/sleeper combo
round seven: Bambi dominates with a camel clutch followed by a rear naked choke knockout
round eight: Bambi traps Lucy in a neck scissors but Lucy counters with a belly claw. She holds the claw until Bambi Blacks out from the pain
round nine: Bambi wins via a reverse figure 4 neck scissors KO
round ten: Bambi dominates with a double foot smother KO
round eleven: Bambi dominates with belly punches and a crushing body scissors KO
round twelve: Lucy counters Bambi’s foot smother with a pressure point and then dominates with a forced foot smother KO
round thirteen: Lucy dominates with yet another double foot smother KO!
round fourteen: Lucy dominates with an over the knee backbreaker/belly claw combo that knocks Bambi out
round fifteen: Lucy dominates with multiple belly splashes, followed by a straddle scissors knockout

A final split victory pose and your winner (LUCY) is announced!



Length: 33 min

Price: 24.99