(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


View the trailer HERE!

Mia Hope lies trapped in Monroe’s 20-count grapevine pin to set things off. Monroe then wakes her up and Mia reveals she may not be too big a fan of this grapevine-themed match. Monroe gives her some encouraging words, then offers to be Mia’s sparring partner by offering herself up for a grapevine pin. Mia gets on top and delivers a near 20-count leg-locking pin before Monroe breaks free. Monroe coaxes Mia to go the extra and knock her out to earn the pin and she obliges by forcing Monroe against the wall. A running wall splash and knees to the ribs drain the air from Monroe and sprawl her out on the mats. Mia mounts and gets a real 20-count pin to Monroe’s surprise and they decide to begin a match.

An ambushing groin kick doubles Mia over where she curls into a derri “air” pose and Monroe positions from behind. Snapping cunt punts lift Mia upwards as her consciousness fades and Monroe puts her to bed with a digging low blow punch. Monroe flips her over and gets another 20-count grapevine pin for the first fall of the match. Mia soon recovers and the girls tie up again. Amidst the struggle, Mia breaks it up with a chest chop and sends her to the wall with another. Monroe’s open chest is struck with a heart punch that lays her out face first and ripe for Mia’s 20-count grapevine pin. Mia’s face taps get Monroe awake and their next round begins with a test of strength. Monroe powers Mia into the wall then uses a running wall splash drop Mia into spread eagle. Jumping belly splashes drive the air from Mia’s core and Monroe is able to secure the 20-count grapevine pin. Mia awakens in a feigned daze and takes advantage of Monroe’s goodwill with a surprise belly kick. Mia forces her head between her legs and yanks inward with a deep wedgie before planting her face first into the mats with a pedigree. A twitchy Monroe is flipped over and left victim to Mia’s 20-count grapevine pinfall.

The ladies get a brief break and Monroe is prepared for get back as a quick gut shot dazes Mia. A tombstone piledriver sends Mia crashing headfirst into the mats and Monroe secures a 20-count grapevine pin. In the next round they go for another test of strength and Mia gets the edge as she forces Monroe gets the wall and presses her breasts into Monroe’s face for a smother. Mia lets up and Monroe crashes onto the mats, left vulnerable for Mia’s mounting breast smother alongside a 20-count grapevine pin. Monroe is hungry for the next round as she drops Mia with a swooping leg takedown before twisting her into a boston crab submission. Mia taps out and Monroe releases the hold, but keeps the pressure going with a full nelson submission. The roughneck submission wears Mia down to nothing and Monroe scores another 20-count grapevine pin. The next round sees the ladies charge at one another and Mia scores a near-KO with a lariat. A reverse guillotine choke sharply clutches across Monroe’s neck as she hopelessly flails before passing out. Mia gets her 20-count grapevine pin keeping the match close and competitive.

Mia helps Monroe and they pow wow for a bit. Monroe breaks things up with a big clothesline to Mia. Monroe folds her into a matchbook pose and cranks down, curling her body with a tight constriction. The compression takes the fight out of Mia as she eventually passes out and lies victim to Monroe’s 20-count grapevine pin. The coming round sees Monroe open up with another lariat to flatten Mia out. It seemingly makes quick work of her as Monroe nearly scores another grapevine pinfall. Monroe remains on offense with belly splashes to the grounded Mia, then mounts her for a breast smother submission. Mia passes out and Monroe goes for another grapevine pin; however she stops before the count of 20 at the lack of satisfaction. Monroe helps Mia to her feet then puts her back down with an atomic drop KO to a derri “air” pose. Monroe tries for another grapevine pin and Mia is able to break it, prolonging the match further.

Monroe goes for a stunner, but Mia applies her own stunner simultaneously causing the girls to double KO. The twitchy twosome lies out cold and Mia manages to gather her wits first. She tries for a grapevine pin, but Monroe isn’t quite done yet. Mia lifts her for more and the momentum is reversed with a low blow. Mia is tossed to the wall and manages to evade Monroe’s running wall splash resulting in a self-daze. Mia capitalizes with a running clothesline to drop Monroe and goes for a grapevine pin that ends up unsuccessful. Mia forces Monroe’s head between her legs once more for an embarrassing wedgie then slams her face first with another wedgie-infused pedigree. Mia manages to score the decisive 20-count grapevine pin of the match. Mia does a bit of boasting with her newfound confidence as Monroe gets her bearings in the background. A surprise atomic drop leaves Mia painfully clutching her goodies, then Monroe turns her lights out with a tombstone piledriver KO. Monroe executes a grapevine plus breast smother combo before performing her last 20-count grapevine pin. With the last laugh, Monroe drags Mia to the back with a goal set for future training.

Abundant 20-count grapevine pins
Running wall splashes
Knees to belly KO
Groin kicks
Derri “air” poses
Punch to groin KO
Chest chops
Heart punch KO
Jumping belly splashes KO
Pedigree w/ wedgie KOs
Tombstone piledriver KOs
Test of strength w/ breast smother
Breast smother KOs
Leg takedown
Boston crab
Full nelson KO
Lariat KOs
Reverse guillotine choke KO
Matchbook submission KO
Atomic drop KO
Stunner double KO
Atomic drop
Grapevine w/ breast smother KO
Body drag
Limb checks
Instant replays


Length: 50 min
Price: 46.99