(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


We’ve packed two of our most requested “classic” skwppv.com clips into one download at a special price!
Read below for more info!


In these 2 clips we see SK take on both Angelina and Layla in separate mixed clips from SKW’s “classic” days, taking turns dominating the action, as well as taking a surprise loss! (originally released as “Constant Darkness”) In clip one, SK devastates Angelina in a brutal fistfight that ends with the lovely Latina taking several naps via punch out! …And in clip two SK sneak attacks Layla, leading to tons of KOs for the lovely blonde. Layla’s one to hold a grudge, however, and a few hours later she strikes with her own sneak attack…taking SK out and leaving him out cold for a change! (originally released as “Layla’s Vengeance”)



SK vs ANGELINA: 9 min, 52 sec
SK vs LAYLA: 14 min, 35 sec
Over 24 minutes of footage!

Price: $14.99