(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)

Bris Company 2

Click here for more vidcaps and a sample clip

Length: 55 mins

Price: $29.99

Starring:  Bri and Helena


This is a short match featuring that rarest of pro wrestling tactics, the ATOMIC DROP! But why are these girls wearing actual dress skirts and blouses? Heck if we know…(Okay…it was a custom)…but the action doesn’t suffer a bit as Helena goes to work on her opponent, taking Bri’s spine apart vertebrae by vertebrae with bone crunching atomic drops (usually followed by several pins, including the grapevine and leghook). And to add insult to injury, poor Bri gets the sleeper hold at the end!

Helena…you meanie!!



As Bri gets ready for bed, we see Helena break in and make her way upstairs, nailing the unsuspecting Bri in the back of the head with a gunbutt. Helena drags Bri’s body to a nearby bed and proceeds to take some seriously incriminating pix! Fast forward to 2 weeks later, when Bri gets a mysterious phone call from someone claiming to know what happened to her that night. She makes her way to Helena’s place, who shows her the photos and proceeds to blackmail the girl in exchange for the negatives. Needless to say, a serious brawl erupts, with both girls taking each other out via sleepers, punchouts, blows to the head, karate chops, and more. Who will prevail??



Bri is busy working on a spy novel when roommate Helena asks her how it’s going. Turns out Bri has no idea what a KO feels like and would like to do a little research. She begs Helena to punch her out cold, which she eventually does, knocking Bri right off the bed. After bringing Bri back to consciousness with some smelling salts, Helena shows some interest in experience, and asks Bri to put her out with the same tactic! The girls go through choloroform, sleeper, neck chop, and blow to the head KOs, taking turns sending each other to La-La Land, until one girl’s nap is so deep that her roommate decides to leave her resting for the night!