(All SKW material is intended to be viewed as staged combat demonstrations as scripted by custom buyers. We at SKW do not condone violence of any sort, and have gone out of our way to make this material as light and campy as possible. No models or fighters were harmed during the making of this film)


We followed our customer’s amazing script so closely that we’ve decided to let IT describe the action in this amazing clip featuring Sleeperkid against the beautiful Lucy Purr!


Lucy Purr is an agent off to finish off SK because of what SK did to Sparrow

Sleeperkid’s Moves (in Order)

1. Introduction

- SK explains to the camera that in order to prepare for agent Lucy, he decided to battle 3 simulated Lucy agents in VR training sessions)

Lucy Purr’s Moves (in order):

1. Missed Punch

The simulated Lucy agent approaches from behind and tries to punch SK however he heard Lucy’s footsteps and dodged her attack

Sleeperkid’s Moves (in Order)

1. Low Blow/dragon sleeper/neck snap

SK dodges Lucy and delivers a front low blow that stuns Lucy. SK then sets her up for a kneeling dragon sleeper. Lucy struggles and pleads then fades with eye roll, convulsing, twitching at drooling. Before Lucy is knocked out, at the last moment, SK delivers a dragon sleeper neck snap. Lucy gasps/yelps and goes completely still. SK continues to squeeze Lucy but no  reaction comes from her. SK then drops Lucy to the floor. Lucy is motionless. SK checks her neck pulse then leaves

2nd Lucy agent:

Sleeperkid’s Moves (in Order)

1. Sleeperhold neck snap (standing)

-SK approaches Lucy from behind and puts her in a sleeperhold, Lucy struggles and pleads then but SK laughs and delivers a sleeperhold neck snap. Lucy gasps/yelps and goes completely still. SK drops Lucy to the floor. Lucy is motionless. SK checks her neck pulse then leaves.

3rd Lucy agent:

Sleeperkid’s Moves (in Order)

1. arm break/ankle break

-SK approaches Lucy from behind, grabs Lucy’s arm and breaks it. Lucy scream in pain and tries to kick SK, but SK catches Lucy’s kick and breaks her ankle. Lucy falls to the floor in pain. SK then approaches Lucy and breaks the other arm and ankle despite her pleading.

2. figure four neckscissors/neck snap

- Lucy pleads/begs SK to not finish her off but SK sets her up for a figure four neckscissors. Lucy struggles and pleads then fades with drooling and eye roll. Before Lucy is knocked out, at the last moment, SK delivers a figure four neck snap. Lucy gasps/yelps and goes completely still. SK drops Lucy to the floor. Lucy is motionless. SK checks her neck pulse then leaves

Sleeperkid’s moves (in order)


-SK tells the camera that his training is complete

Lucy Purr’s Moves (in order):

1. Low blow/pedigree KO

-the Real Lucy approaches SK from behind and delivers a low blow. SK is stunned and Lucy sets him up for a pedigree KO that knocks SK out

2. Neck scissors KO/neck snap kill

-Lucy wakes SK up then locks in the neckscissors KO until SK is knocked out with drooling and twitching. after SK is knocked out Lucy grabs SK’s neck and delivers a brutal neck snap. SK lies motionless on the floor with drooling. Lucy checks his neck pulse and leaves.
Lucy Purr’s Moves (in order):

1  Introduction:

-The real Lucy Purr talks on how she successfully avenged sparrow.


Sleeperkid’s Moves (in Order)

1. low blow KO

-SK approaches LP from behind and delivers a powerful low blow. LP is stunned, starts to drool and falls to the floor face up, knocked out, drooling.  SK tells the camera that the one that Lucy killed earlier was SK’s body double and he’ll now teach Lucy a lesson.

2. Sleeperhold KO (kneeling)

-SK wakes LP up and puts her in a sleeperhold KO. Lucy is KO’d progressively but quickly so SK squeezes again and Lucy is startled and wakes up. SK says she can’t play possum/fake her KO and continues to squeeze her until she is finally KO’d while kneeling


3. Sapphire Bomb KO

- SK wakes LP then puts her in a Sapphire bomb KO facing the ceiling (face not on floor)

4. neck scissors KO

- SK wakes LP then puts her in a neck scissors until she is KO’d (with eyeroll, before SK lets go)

5. Bearhug KO

- SK wakes LP then puts her in a bearhug until she is ko’d

6. powerbomb KO

- SK wakes LP then puts her in a powerbomb KO!

7. 2x piledriver KO

- SK wakes LP then puts her in a piledriver KO. SK does not let go and delivers another one on a ragdoll/limp Lucy for overkill. Lucy falls to the floor with twitching

8. pressure point temple KO

-SK wakes LP then puts her in a pressure point temple KO until she is KO’d (with drooling and twitching)

9.skull f*cker mega KO (4x)

- SK wakes LP then puts her in a skull f*cker mega KO. 1st one LP is stunned, 2nd one LP is KO’d, 3rd one is just for SK to make sure. 4th is overkill. (similar to AJ sparks in FIGHT BOTS: part four)

10.  prolonged/extended Sleeper hold kill/neck snap overkill

- SK puts LP up in a sitting position and tells her it’s time to end this. LP begs for SK not to finish her off but SK locks a prolonged/extended sleeper at LP. LP struggles like crazy but eventually starts to fade with eye roll, convulsing, twitching at drooling before the KO. Eventually LP stops moving altogether. Not letting go, SK then tell the camera that a few more strong extra squeezes will make LP twitch violently. SK then squeezes a few more times then LP twitches a lot, drools some more for a while then stops again. SK keeps the sleeper locked for a little while longer before releasing her. SK then checks her pulse through her neck. and tells the camera that’s how you finish off someone permanently with a Sleeperhold. SK then lets Lucy drop to the floor. After looking at Lucy for a few seconds, SK then picks up her head, grabs her neck and delivers a strong neck snap for overkill/just to make sure!



Length: 23 min

Price: 18.99