Two lovely new agents (played by Constance and Tara Tied…making their SKW debut) have been picked for a virtual reality stealth demonstration, with the best performer destined to be picked as a new agent! The girls give it their all, each one taking turns attacking and suffering a series of KOs/finishers…until the judges decide to hire BOTH ladies, but not before having to “take them out” in order to have them removed from the VR program!
multiple KOs
sleeper hold KOs
limb checks
neck snaps
dragon sleeper / neck snaps
karate chops to the neck
double syringe attack KOs
Derri “Air” KO poses
tranq dart multiple shot KOs
tranq dart KO duel / double KO
blackjack strikes / tazer to the temple attack (drool)
final POV tranq dart KO
POV limb checks
agents disappearing shot
Length: 23 min
Price: 17.99